Can we still fInd a home for rent with a prior eviction? This is a common question from our customers.
For individuals with prior evictions due to broken lease agreements or other reasons, it will traditionally be a huge problem getting appproved. If the landlord found it necessary to evict the tenant from the property, it will have a very negative impact on rental approval from just about all apartment complexes, owners, landlords, and property management companies.
In the rental application they will generally ask if you have ever been evicted from a property. If you were evicted you would need to let them know about the eviction. If you lie, again, this would be grounds for denial. Sometime people call and ask me I had an eviction filed, but the eviction didn’t go through, so why am I still getting denied? Well, the short answer is that If you were evicted for reasons you don’t agree were your fault or were reasonable purposes for eviction, the property management screening software picks up the filing, and not the disposition of the case. So, at this point its really up to the management company or landlord to either give you conditional approval or not. You may also want to include a document explaining the situation for for this eviction that was filed but then wither dismissed or mutually terminated. In some cases landlords may evict for reasons that aren’t in compliance with your State’s tenant rights and you can dispute these these evictions at the court house and have them vacated. If you were wrongfully evicted you should seek legal counsel or call your local Justice of Peace and attempt to also “vacate your judgement”. This will help you restore your rights, clear your credit, and have any damages reported paid, if necessary. You would also want to make sure your eviction or breach of contract is not reported on your credit report or rental history if you were evicted for reasons outside of your tenant rights. So, the next step would be to send in the paperwork from the Justice of Peace to all three of your credit bureaus and also include sending copies to the five major rent bureaus.
We’re not going to go into all the details and legalities of evictions, but want you to know that in cases where you were at fault for legal eviction, there are still solutions we can provide to help you get approved for a rental property. We’ve helped countless people that could not rent with a prior eviction get back on track and living in luxury rentals and rebuilding their credit at the same time.
So, the good news is we can still help! the bad news is it may be just stuck on your credit for several years.
The reason why we can help is because our process is different is just simply different than what you may have ever gone through and we understand that circumstances happen.
The economy changes, times in peoples lives change and fundamentally people are always seeking to improve their credit and their lifestyle.
We don’t base our approval on credit or past evictions, our clients are approved on income and passing a criminal history background check.
If you have a prior eviction that is holding you back from renting the nicer properties, contact us to see if our rental guarantee program is a right fit for your needs.
I am having hard time get apt it hard
Hello my name is shalonda Harris I’m tryna get help I got a eviction tryna get some help I have 2 children and we are tryna get place to live idk wat to do need help it hard can you pls contact my number 4435226974 pls thank you
need help finding a place in about 2 weeks that will rent to me with an eviction that is about 2 yrs old.
I got evicted on the 10th and I have to the 17 to move out can you please help me
I got evicted Tuesday I HAVE UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY TO MOVE OUT can you help
Hi there. I have an eviction on my credit and need help finding a place asap. Can you help?
yes, please review our short cartoon video on the home page that shows how we are able to get this done for you
My name is Karlenea and I am having a hard time renting an apartment with an eviction on my credit and I am looking into and renttoown homes although the web stated that no money down to me if was deceiving found the rent to own homes to be a scam
hi Karlenea, we do not offer rent to own homes… for more information please watch our 1 monute video on the homepage on “how we get you approved to rent”. it spells out our entire process on there and pretty open how we do our business… best, LJ
We need to move in one week and have been looking for a month and a half but cannot find anyone to rent to us because of our recent eviction. Can we get a place in move in within a couple days with your service?
Ok I need a number to contsctcyou guys to get more info on your program…your program
hi, due to the high volume of calls and inquiries, please fill out the quick pre-qual form to see if you are a good candidate for our program. Also, the video on the home page gives more information on how to qualify, how to pick a property and also what the cost is for our program…
I was evicted from my home back in December of last year and I am having so much trouble finding a place to live. I really need a miracle. I live in Philadelphia Pa. Can you guys help me?
yes, however you do have to qualify with your income to ensure us you can pay the rents, since your credit is not being checked. the employment check is extensive to make sure of affordability…
I just got eviction on my old apartment and Im looking for a new apartment to live can I get some help with that place
Hi Mekala, are you looking for help to possibly remove the eviction from your credit or are you looking for help to move into a place now with that eviction still showing on your credit?
I have evictions on my report. I never was evicted never went to court all of my evictions says dismissed how can I get this off of my report. Does the landlord have to go to court to get them removed cause I owe 0. Just trying to move but can’t because of these evictions
I am facing and eviction, my lease is up on February 29,2015, I had a company who was going to pay my rent but my apartment manager said that she could not wait for the check to come in which would take up to 8-10 weeks since it was coming from a government agency that helps with rent. I offered to pay the past due of 175.00 because my funds were short and I did not have anymore available. Long store short. I need to find a place ASAP because I don’t want my daughter and I to get put out with no where to go. I have no prior evictions but I do owe a previous apartment from when my spouse and I was together. Can you help me.
I. Need help getting housing again
i need help getting into a home i have the income but now im working with lexington law firm to repair my credit i have an eviction on my credit report but was never evicted i paid the late rent and fees but the managment never went back to court to have the eviction removed off me. i need hep finding a home to live in within the next week or two. please help….
Please Apply! We can help!
Do you help people in other states or just in the New York area.
all 50 states!
I am currently living in an apartment that is becoming too expensive (1650 after all fees/rent). I have very bad credit but make over 5000 a month. Due to family emergency and vehicle breakdown, I have fallen behind in my bills. I am considering just leaving and looking for new place. I have lived here for almost a year and lease is almost up anyway. I have two large dogs, need a property with a yard, preferably a house for rent. Is there anything you can do for me and what is the process?
Trying to get back on track please help. Lost job and could not keep up to the rent.
I tried to apply at an apartment complex but was denied because they said I owed money for damages to another complex. I never got a notice about it and I left the apartment clean. I thought. Can I get approved. I don’t want to waste anymore application fees thank you
100% guaranteed approval with us… you can start with $500 down towards our total invoice to us and then pay us the balance after we SHOW you approval from the property!
I was evictedin 2011.they gave me back all my checks. I was short 300 dollars, the judge said you have all of the ckecks here ask if you can get some time. I called leave messages on the phone, wrote to them. No reply, i did not know ehat to do, so on the date when i was to vacate, i leave because i did not want the marshals to put my things out while i was at work. One of the ladies of the company when i went to her, said she don’t understad why she did that. Then she want to say she did not understand my letter, and when my mom was sick i wrote to her to let her know i was going to be late , she did not have a problem with that. How can you help me. I need a place to live.
Can I rent with a prior eviction
you sure can… this is what our program is for!
yes, you can!